Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 548

Chapter 548


Chapter 548: Should She Be Angry?

Pease reading n XNOVEL.M

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Hu Bing found himself intrigued by the woman before him. She was no ordinary woman, that much was clear. Not only did she handle situations with an impressive calm, but her respect for Su Shens wishes was evident. She had agreed to Su Shens request not to return to the military, a testament to her uniqueness.

Moreover, he had heard whispers around town about her. Gu Zi and her sister-in-law had opened a successful restaurant, Sister Huas Gourmet Shop, which had even attracted the attention of the local newspaper.

Hu Bing had done some research. Gu Zi had grown up in a military compound in the city, where she had always excelled. She had even been engaged to the son of a high-ranking official, Gong. However, due to a mix-up at birth, she had ended up in Daqing Village, married to Su Shen.

Gu Zi was still young, and her marriage to Su Shen was relatively recent. Despite her extraordinary beauty and intellect, could she have truly won Su Shens heart in such a short time?

Hu Bing was curious about the methods she might have used. Regardless, it seemed she had captured Su Shens heart, and it was clear that his cousins hopes of marrying Su Shen were now dashed.

Perhaps it was for the best. It was better for him to face this disappointment than his cousin. He would have to discuss this with her and make new plans.

However, he couldnt help but lament. Where could they find another man as exceptional as Su Shen?

After drinking three cups of tea, Hu Bing asked, Su Shen, may I visit your pig farm again when I have time? Im not leaving until this afternoon. Ive seen Su Le, but I need to check on the other two children.

Given the circumstances, he didnt feel it was appropriate for Gu Zi to play hostess. He assumed Su Shen wouldnt want his beautiful wife to exert herself. A visit to the farm and then to see the children seemed like the best plan.

However, Su Shen had no intention of leaving the house. He had business to attend to, and he wanted to spend some time with Gu Zi.

So, he told Hu Bing directly, That sounds good. You can drive to the pig farm. Jin Long will receive you. I dont plan to go out today.

Upon hearing this, Hu Bing understood. Su Shen wanted to spend the day with his wife and had only agreed to meet him out of courtesy. That works for me. Ill head over now and return this afternoon. Mrs. Su, sorry for the intrusion!

Gu Zi responded with a gracious smile, No trouble at all. Your visit has shown me Su Shens resolve. Otherwise, I wouldnt have known your true intentions.

Her last words were directed at Su Shen, her eyes filled with affection. She didnt seem to care that there was a third party present.

However, when Hu Bing left, Gu Zi insisted that Su Shen see him out. Upon his return, Su Shen wrapped his arms around her waist, much to the displeasure of Lele, who was playing on the sofa. But she couldnt do anything about it. She didnt dare to climb down from the sofa, having fallen the last time she tried. All she could do was glare at Su Shen.

But Su Shen was too preoccupied with expressing his loyalty to Gu Zi to notice Leles protest. Gu Zi, if youre angry, hit me. I can take it.

Gu Zi held his hand on her waist and asked gently, Didnt you already make your position clear? You told Hu Bing as well. Should I still be angry? It would seem a bit petty.

Su Shen rested his chin on her shoulder and said in a low voice, Why not? Hu Jie sent me a message because I never explicitly rejected her. Thats why were in this situation. Hu Bing was hostile towards you. As your husband, I should have done better. But Gu Zi, I will do better.

He had thought it through. He wanted to live a good life with Gu Zi, without leaving her. He wanted to earn money and make her happy.

As for the military, he planned to leave it behind. The country was stable, and there was no war. He didnt have to return. Another reason he didnt mention was that his return would likely upset certain power groups.

Su Shen didnt dislike military life, but he was tired of the power struggles within the army. He didnt want to become a pawn in someone elses game. He had never feared real battles, but he didnt want to be part of a fight where people smiled at him while stabbing him in the back.

Since he wasnt returning to the army, he should be a better husband to Gu Zi.

Listening to his words, Gu Zi didnt feel like holding a grudge. She even felt like teasing him. So, how should I be angry with you? Let me think How about I punish you by making you sleep in the guest room for a week!

